Quiz #32

This guy composed something for a 1963 movie that has subsequently become a kind of legend. Identify him and what he composed.


Answer in comments.

Answer: Henry Mancini. Composed the Pink Panther theme.

Cracked byDante, Vivek N D, flightless one, Praneetha and Arun A S.

Dante says:

Henry Mancini – the Pink Panther theme

Nirad Inamdar says:

John Barry, James Bond Theme

Jayesh says:

John Barry? James Bond theme????

Vivek N D says:

Henry Mancini and The Pink Panther theme

the flightless one says:

errr.. i mean henry mancini who did the pink panther theme

the flightless one says:

initially thought it was the james bond theme… this is monty norman who did the pink panther theme


Praneetha says:

Henry Mancini

Arun.A.S says:

Henry Mancini, The Pink Panther theme.