Superheavy, the fusion supergroup comprising of Mick Jagger, AR Rahman, Damien Marley, Dave Stewart and Joss Stone has released their first single. Fusion is a tricky business and when heavy weights collaborate, the outcome may not be necessarily memorable. Miracle Worker is one such example, it is at best a bad reggae song.
The song is a mash up of different styles. It seems the producer wanted to introduce all the members of the band. It begins like a run-of-the-mill reggae number with Damien Marley doing the singing. Then comes Joss Stone with her Soul and she is soon joined by Mick Jagger. A R Rahman’s contribution is just namesake, he is heard mumbling something in Hindi and that’s about it. I believe Dave Stewart has contributed the rhythm guitar you hear in the background. And to make things a little more muddled there is a violin bit also thrown in.
I know it is too early to draw a judgement about the whole album with just one single. But surely Miracle worker is a very bad choice as the first single of the album. Let’s hope the next song will make me eat my words.