(As usual, we have a birthday special logo created by the severely talented @cookydoh!)
Seven years since this hobby of our began. Seven years of discovering a lot of new music and musicians and even more importantly, discovering a lot of like-minded music lovers on social media, a lot of whom have gone on to become great friends, even without having met with most. Nothing much else to say actually, it’s been a happy year and thanks to all of you for being around, it’s what keeps us going.
Do connect with us on twitter or fb if you haven’t yet, we discuss a lot of music in both places. And if you ever feel the need for music playlists, head over to our youtube or soundcloud – we have several ones in both places, themed and otherwise.
Talking of playlists, thought of doing one today but couldn’t come up with a good enough idea. So tomorrow being Valentine’s day and all (our launch date has no connection to that fact by the way, to be clarifying once again), here’s a short playlist of love-themed songs that we heard this year from across languages. Hope you like it!